Wednesday, November 28, 2007


In the sojourn of our lives, our path criscrosses with many a souls. However transient,sometimes it leaves an indelible mark and we are never ever the same afterwards.

Yesterday I had a lovely outing in a scenic,serene, secluded place,hidden from the prying eyes of public nestled midst of rolling mountains. It had it all,cascading streams,lush foilage,dappled sunshine and a cool zephyr,rendering an ethereal touch to the renzendous.

Sometimes we need to connect with nature and be connected with ourselves.Solitude ia a great revealer.It reveals the innard of one's soul to be postmortemed.
It is nasty. Thoughts ,deep & black ,tumble of its recesses,which had dimmed its lustrous luminiscence albeit temporarily

Scrurring through a magazine I came across an article postulating that the earth being gobbled up by the sun,life would eventually cease to thrive, et al. It would be strange if the prognostications play out to be true. Mankind would have found another Sun long long before it.

News that exploit the fear for one life continue to make headlines. It renderds one to be vernerable ,breeds insecurity and one is incessantly under fear psychosis.Despotic regimes in the past and superpowers of our times have made use of this tool to instill fear and hold on to power.Benazir Bhutto episode is a glaring example which would not be lost upon discering souls.

Still time rolls on,we live on.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ode To You

Never say I love you
If you don’t really care,
Never talk of feelings
If they aren’t really there,
Never hold my hand
If you mean to break my heart,
Never say forever
If you ever plan to part,
Never look into my eyes
If you are telling me a lie,
Never say hello
If you think you’ll say goodbye,
Never say that I’m THE one
If you dream of more than me,
Never lock up my heart
If you don’t have the key.

Alter Ego

" A friend is someone who lifts us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly".


One one the most enduring and beautiful of all human relationships is "FRIENDSHIPS".
Frienships are the quintessence of any relationship and is an intrinsic part of life.

Looking back to those sepia coloured nostalgic moments of my childhood, I see myself regaling with those friends lost to me through the sands of time.Where are they all & what have become of them, is all that's left to ponder in solitude. One fondly recollects those moments not because they are sweet but because they are lost forever to us. Our lives entwine & the vines of friendship is festooned with lovely flowers in all stages of life & when the strength fails one is left to pick up dried forlorn flowers that once bloomed into a thousand hues.
Friend is useless just like spilled milk it has no meaning in life rather it bestows a meaning to life.

"Friends are priceless, treasure them."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lost in Contemplation

The last gory rays of the dying sun still filters through the venetian blinds of my office window and far away I can still see the contrails of a jet fighter. Circling above is a white dove which is resplendent with a deep auburn as if dipped in liquid fire. The sands of time slowly seeps through my fingers and  I can't grasp it. It's not long the stars shine in the blue firmament and the moon, like a ghostly galleon ,slowly rises up in the horizon with its aura of pearly white soft soothing moonbeams The air is redolent of odors with a whiff of rain. Small cloud-lets sail across,polishing the stars and they shine brilliantly like diamonds. Small wavelets of sentiments stirs of emotions, long lost in the labyrinthine corridors of memory, is evoked in such serene settings of nature.Reverberations in the volcanic depths of feelings make one aware of the ethereal moment of love, once deeply felt for someone, forever enshrined like a rose in a bouquet of flowers. The blossoming flowers look fragile in the milky whiteness of moon mesmerizing one's senses whispering stories untold. In this distracting beauty anesthetizes all the ramblings of mind, one then contemplates the meaning of life,of existence,of beauty & of love.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Vedanta - "The Culmination Of Knowledge".

Vedanta Plc. Ltd. is an Indian metals & mining behemoth with aspirations of a true blood global conglomerate. In short a span of 12 Years it has crossed the Rubicon and has diversified of late. Coming days would see the rise of an Indian MNC challenging its global peers. What sets is apart is the freshness & empowerment of its workforce and the perseverance of implementing the vision of being the best in its domain of operations. Its 1.4 MMPTA Alumina refinery is a true testament of company aggressive growth plans. The sleepy village of lanjigarh is a witnessor of changing profile of indian industry.Hitherto a ignomius village on the landscape of Kalahandi district is now the darling of Orissa.Under the shadows of the mighty 'Niyamgiri' this sleepy village is undergoing a metamorphosis which is now common across spectrum of Indian industry. Niyamgiri is said to hold over 100 million tons of bauxite ore of the highest quality which will change the entire landscape of the most backward district of orissa,uplifting thousands out of abject poverty,reducing illiteracy,providing better healthcare and transformation of road & rail connectivity. Vedanta alumina is therefore a partner in the development of the people of kalahandi. Cheers!