Wednesday, July 13, 2016

10 Life Lessons from Movie Sultan

The Instant Takeaways

1) In the affairs of Men, respect is the highest esteem that any Man most passionately craves for and tries the hardest to achieve but very few succeed. So in a nutshell the respect of other Men singularly counts towards the self image of many Men which forms the core of one's Ego.
Management Mantra : Don't challenge a person's Ego head-on unless it is in one's capacity to crush or disregard it.

2) Success takes persistence and perseverance and 'anyone' who desires or dreams of fame/success should be mentally prepared to sweat it out, although not mentioned/shown in the film, one's God endowed intelligence and foresight can help in alleviating the pain and make the journey less tedious.

3) The best of talent don't come cheap/easily , one must be prepared to match or exceed their expectations . So in a nutshell it is better to gauge and fathom the values of the target that one is aiming for as it saves a lot of heartburn and regret, whether in candidate selection/love/exams or elections.....ha-ha!!.

4) Choosing Happiness over one's Dreams or vice versa is tricky , be very sure and take some time to make up your mind , pause and ponder,  for happiness and dreams often appear in disguise.

5) When faced with a choice in any relationship between 'pain of a loss' and culmination of one's desire , it is perhaps sane to choose the former as 'Loss' is permanent but 'success' is transient and it changes with the passage of time. Relationships matter , pay heed if it is important, for it is the bedrock upon which Success stands exalted.

6) Develop coping strategies to deal with Trauma. Often in life Trauma freezes one's sense of time and it often takes years to notice that one needs to let-go of past things/issues to move ahead with one's life. The faster you loosen the grip of negative repressive feelings over you , the sooner you make the transition in living your own life that is meant to be lived for "You may Live to Forget but never Forget to Live".

7) Throughout in the film one central idea is repeatedly endorsed that success or defeat is a state of mind, so you get what you choose.

8) Finish what you have started, adapting to situations and changing the strategies as when situation demands, as success doesn't rest only on one factor , success is managing many factors well enough until the end.

9) A closely held desire , cherished passionately and watered with sustained effort cuts out all the distractions and makes you stay focussed.

10) Lastly, Life often presents you with a choice to be reborn again, reborn to find love , relationships and respect. So just hang in there as Time changes, one just needs to hold on a little longer and then you become the ' Sultan ' of your life.

In-depth analysis of "SULTAN" ( being written...updating soon )