Wednesday, November 28, 2007


In the sojourn of our lives, our path criscrosses with many a souls. However transient,sometimes it leaves an indelible mark and we are never ever the same afterwards.

Yesterday I had a lovely outing in a scenic,serene, secluded place,hidden from the prying eyes of public nestled midst of rolling mountains. It had it all,cascading streams,lush foilage,dappled sunshine and a cool zephyr,rendering an ethereal touch to the renzendous.

Sometimes we need to connect with nature and be connected with ourselves.Solitude ia a great revealer.It reveals the innard of one's soul to be postmortemed.
It is nasty. Thoughts ,deep & black ,tumble of its recesses,which had dimmed its lustrous luminiscence albeit temporarily

Scrurring through a magazine I came across an article postulating that the earth being gobbled up by the sun,life would eventually cease to thrive, et al. It would be strange if the prognostications play out to be true. Mankind would have found another Sun long long before it.

News that exploit the fear for one life continue to make headlines. It renderds one to be vernerable ,breeds insecurity and one is incessantly under fear psychosis.Despotic regimes in the past and superpowers of our times have made use of this tool to instill fear and hold on to power.Benazir Bhutto episode is a glaring example which would not be lost upon discering souls.

Still time rolls on,we live on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your view of things